REVISED as of April 2015. 2014 June 2014: Losing Control, Kerr Chronicles 1, out now. Sept 2014: Taking Control, Kerr Chronicles 2 December 11, 2014: The Charlotte Chronicles, Jackson Boys #1 2015 January 20, 2015: Last Hit: Reloaded, a short novel featuring Daisy and Nick April 13, 2015: Unrequited, Finn’s book May 5, 2015: Last Kiss, Vasily and Naomi August 2015: Re-Release of […]
September 22, 2013 | New Stuff,
Writing Stuff |
I came across this image the other day. In the fourth book, yet to be named, Adam is one of the lead characters. Guess where he falls within the hierarchy of band members? (The last one is the bass player in case you are wondering).
We are legit, yo! If you like New Adult books, you have a great way to find them. Amazon has created a “New Adult” category. Look for it under Romance. “Undeclared” is currently 29. I wouldn’t mind if you pushed that higher. 😉
Last night I was clicking through to my Goodreads account, accepting friend requests, when suddenly I realized that I had hit “ignore” instead of “accept” for three friend requests. I hit the stop loading button and then the back button frantically only to have Goodreads give me this red warning message that I had no […]
I’m so blown away at the level of support that you readers are giving “Undeclared.” I don’t really know the best way to express my gratitude to the bloggers, reviewers, readers who have given this book a chance. It means the world to me. I hope you give yourselves a pat on the back for […]
I’ve been thinking about doing guest blog posts around the interwebs and one idea that sounded fun was envisioning what rings our favorite heroes would give our favorite girls. Can you guess which couple I thought this would belong too? Layken and Will, right? I know. He gave her Layken’s mother’s ring. But if […]
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