If you haven’t already purchased your copy of “Undeclared”, stop by A Love Affair With Books. They are hosting a giveaway and a review of the book. Be careful, though, I went over there last night and ended up spending about twenty minutes reading about a bunch of other awesome books. They have cover releases […]
I came across this image the other day. In the fourth book, yet to be named, Adam is one of the lead characters. Guess where he falls within the hierarchy of band members? (The last one is the bass player in case you are wondering).
I have these very cool “Save the Date” postcards for Bo’s book to be published on September 16, 2013. Want one? Just fill out the form here and I’ll drop one in the mail to you and I’ll send you an email as soon as the retail sites go live with the book.
We are legit, yo! If you like New Adult books, you have a great way to find them. Amazon has created a “New Adult” category. Look for it under Romance. “Undeclared” is currently 29. I wouldn’t mind if you pushed that higher. 😉
Bo Randolph looked like a good time. From the tip of his constantly tousled hair, down the long stretch of his body, the arms that look like they could hold you up for hours and the wide mobile mouth that made you think he’d enjoy every minute of it to the tips of his large booted […]
May 15, 2013 | Writing Stuff |
Contemporary Landscape by Encinitas Landscape Architect debora carl landscape design As I was doing laundry this morning, this very early morning because I had taken the day off yesterday, I contemplated all the things that I didn’t really mind doing. I don’t mind folding socks or underwear. I don’t mind ironing. I figure that’s why […]
Last night I was clicking through to my Goodreads account, accepting friend requests, when suddenly I realized that I had hit “ignore” instead of “accept” for three friend requests. I hit the stop loading button and then the back button frantically only to have Goodreads give me this red warning message that I had no […]
I’m so blown away at the level of support that you readers are giving “Undeclared.” I don’t really know the best way to express my gratitude to the bloggers, reviewers, readers who have given this book a chance. It means the world to me. I hope you give yourselves a pat on the back for […]
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