But it might not be doing what you think I should be doing. I’ve been busying ordering promo. I’ve got the Bo dog tags ordered. I renewed another order for Noah’s dog tags and then, with the help of Meljean Brook (awesome author whose book Guardian Demon comes out in August), I ordered a couple […]
If you haven’t picked up REAL by Katy Evans, now is the time to grab it. It’s discounted to $1.99.
The first “Jen Frederick” newsletter has been sent. It has a scene of the boys at The Woodlands tipping over a car and Noah’s sad kiss off to Grace via letter. Why, Noah, why???? Subscribe here
One of the great things about being an author is being friends with other authors and, more importantly, getting to read their books early. I had the good fortune to read Mine this weekend and if you loved REAL by Katy Evans, MINE is going to rock your world. For real. Get your “One click” […]
I’ve hit the halfway mark but stalled so in order to perk myself up I went out and bought myself a reward. Big spender, aren’t I? Don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter (link is in the sidebar). In the newsletter is Noah’s Dear Jane letter to Grace and a short outtake featuring the […]
June 29, 2013 | Writing Stuff |
Don’t be alarmed but that is Unspoken. It is about 85000 words right now. Words I’m going to be revising based on feedback.
June 27, 2013 | Writing Stuff |
I know that every professional author has a newsletter but I didn’t have much to share that would justify having a newsletter. However, lots of my author friends informed me that newsletters were the perfect place to share snippets, deleted scenes and outtakes. I’ve got a lot of those like the “Dear Jane” letter Noah […]
My friend, Jill Myles, has a new release called “Playing Games”. It’s like Amazing Race, only with a romance. Jill celebrated her new release by giving away the first in the “Games” series for free on Amazon so you can dip your toes in the water at no risk! Even better, you can come here […]
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